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InterFraternity Council Elects 2 DELT SIG SPARTANS!!!


By Meagan Beck Published 11/18/14 11:17 pm

For the 2015 school year, eight new men will assume positions on the InterFraternity Council and one current member will return for a second term.

The InterFraternity Council serves as the govering body over the 30 different Fraternity chapters on campus.

The new President will be food industry mangement senior Geoff Sabourin who will take over in the spring once current President and communication senior Blair Montgomery finishes his term.

Sabourin is the current President of the Alpha Pi Chapter of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity and hopes his leadership experience will help him.

"I've had to deal with working to better our image as a house, working with people and managing budgets. Hopefully it can make this job an easy transition," Sabourin said.

Aside from education junior James Jensen, the new Vice President of Recruitment and who is also a member of Delta Sigma Phi, Sabourin said he does not know the other new member of the Council and is looking forward to meeting new people and working with them.

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