Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity is rich in the traditions of Brotherhood, Leadership and Excellence. Our Chapter, among the oldest and greatest at Michigan State University and throughout the country, is proud of the fact that since 1923 we have been a leading Fraternity in East Lansing.
Delta Sigma Phi is among the largest fraternities on campus, with Brothers hailing from every background, experience and corner of the country (& beyond). We are a Fraternity which annually competes for top honors in Greek Week, Sorority philanthropy events, and intramural sports. Our calendar is filled with Greek parties, road trips, football tailgates, date parties, formals and other social events throughout the year.
But most of all, we are a Fraternity of men who want more out of life than the average person - men who never settle for second best. At Delta Sigma Phi, we challenge ourselves to BE and RECRUIT the Better Man.
We build men who graduate with the experiences of a lifetime, who go on to successful professional careers, who are great fathers and transformational leaders in their communities. The years may roll by, but our Brotherhood is for LIFE - and the Delt Sig Spartan Spirit never waivers. Delta Sigma Phi never fails to give its members more than what they sought.
Are YOU up to the challenge of becoming a Better Man?