The Recruitment "RUSH" Process
Q: How does Recruitment "RUSH" work?
A: For a 4-5 day period (usually Monday-Friday, or Monday-Thursday) one to three weeks into each semester, fraternities across campus invite Potential New Members ("PNMs") out to “RUSH” their chapters.
Rush is a way for anyone who may be interested in Greek Life to explore the Greek community, get a feel for what it is all about, and decide at which chapter they feel the most comfortable.
Each chapter generally opens its doors from 7-10 PM each night of Rush Week for students to tour the house, play games, meet Brothers, and have dinner. There is no commitment made by coming to Rush Week, nor is it necessary to pre-register, but at least stop by for the free food!
Q: Are there parties during Rush?
A: No. The Chapter maintains a zero-alcohol/social event policy during Recruitment "Rush" Week. This is also the policy of our National Organization (Delta Sigma Phi National HQ) and the MSU InterFraternity Council ("IFC"). Once Rush Week is officially concluded, the Chapter is allowed to host a "Bid-Party" with a Sorority. Bid Party participation is reserved only for those who have accepted bids.
Q: Where will Rush be held?
A: The Chapter only hosts Recruitment "Rush" Week events at the Chapter House (1218 E. Grand River Ave) or "Doll House" (1210 E. Grand Rive Ave), unless otherwise instructed/permitted by MSU InterFraternity Council ("IFC"). If an exception is made where a Delt Sig Spartan Rush Event will be held on campus or somewhere within East Lansing, this change will be communicated clearly to Potential New Members in advance and with the permission of IFC.
Q: If I attend Rush Week, how many days should I be there?
​A: For those young men genuinely interested in becoming a member of Delta Sigma Phi, make sure that you're showing that interest in the form of regular attendence during Rush Week and pre-Rush events. While there is no firm policy on how many Rush Week days/pre-Rush events a potential New Member should attend, candidates attending less than 3-4 days are rarely considered due to lack of exposure.
The intent of Rush Week for potential New Members is to meet Active Brothers, learn about our Brotherhood, to see if Delta Sigma Phi is a fit. On the flip side, Rush Week is an opportunity for the Active Brothers to get to know you, what you're all about, and if you'd be a fit within our Brotherhood. The more Brothers that know who you and your story, the more likely they will be to lobby on your behalf. Obvsiously this is difficult if only attending one or two nights.
Q: The Review Process
​A: After each night of Rush Week, the Active Brotherhood meets privately to review potential candidates. During this time, the Chapter has an opportunity to discuss their favorite candidates, identifying those whom they'd like to invite back to the final days of Rush Week, and eventually extend an "bid" invitation to join that semester's New Member Class.
Q: The "BID" Process
​A: For those dedicated young men who have attended Rush Week, impressed The Delt Sig Brotherhood, and expressed a passionate desire to join Delta Sigma Phi, a "Bid" invitation is extended on Thursday/Friday of Rush Week. A Bid invitation is a special honor and opportunity that only a select group of young men receive each semester. Should you receive a "Bid" invitations from other Fraternities as well, you will have 24-hours to decide if Delta Sigma Phi is right for you.
For those who do not receive a "Bid" invitation for that semester's New Member Class, all is not lost. There can be many reasons for not receiving a "Bid" invitation, including but not limited to: not enough Brothers were able to know your during Rush Week, Chapter had already identified their top candidates and class size, unable to attend due to class/family scheduling conflicts, prior commitments that would interfere with New Member term, etc.
Those not receiving "Bid" invitations are welcome to come back the following semester and re-enter the Rush Week recruitment process. While coming back to Rush Week the following semester is no guarantee of a "Bid" invitation, in many cases it demonstrates a commitment and dedication that could impress the Brotherhood.
For those interested in exploring other Fraternities and student groups, we wish you well. There are many great student organizations, and some other Fraternities may be a better fit for you and your goals. However, understand that by joining another Fraternity you have severed any opportunity of joining the leading Chapter at Michigan State University, Delta Sigma Phi.
Q: What if I'm a "LEGACY" (Father, Uncle, Grandfather, etc is an Alumni Brother of Delta Sigma Phi)?
​A: A "LEGACY" is an individual whom has a relative (Father, Uncle, Grandfather, etc) who is an Alumni Brother of Delta Sigma Phi. From time to time "Legacy" members come to Delta Sigma Phi during Rush Week, as they have grown up hearing grand stories of Brotherhood, college experiences and leadership.
While "Legacy" status is no guarantee of receiving a bid invitation to join that semester's New Member Class, it is something that the Recruitment "Rush" Chairmen will take under advisement in their discussions with the Brotherhood.
If you are a legacy from another Chapter (relative is an Alumni Member of Delta Sigma Phi, but at another University), please notify your Recruitment Chairmen, and provide their name, university and year pledged. We will verify with the National Office to confirm that said relative is still in good standing with the Fraternity.
If you are a legacy from the Alpha Pi Chapter (relative is an Alumni Member of Delta Sigma Phi at Michigan State University), please notify your Recruitment Chairman, and provide their name and year pledged. Members of our Alumni Corporation Board (ACB) will confirm that said relative is still in good standing with the Chapter, and may reach out to them personally for a recommendation.
Q: What if I'm a friend, high school teammate, classmate, dorm neighbor, etc of an Active/Alumni Brother of Delta Sigma Phi?
​A: While we pride ourselves on being a diverse group of unique individuals from all different backgrounds and experiences, a portion of each New Member Class is often comprised of good friends of currently Active Brothers. Such situations often occur because potential New Members have already gotten to know some of the Active Brothers, who in turn can already speak to your character, personality and potential. While these relationships are no guarantee of receiving a bid invitation, they may get you in front of the Brotherhoood a bit sooner than someone stopping by the Chapter for the first time.